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What It Takes to Write a Compelling Copy

As a business owner, you have been working your way up to be where you are right now. You’ve even worked on creating a campaign that could drive awareness and engagement toward your brand. And it’s exciting what the future holds! To ensure that your campaign goes well, a partner recommended that you hire a copywriter to convince people to make a purchase.

However, you waved off the idea. After all, writing is such a basic thing. It’s something you think you can do yourself. Yet now, reality hits hard. After a few months of launching your campaign, you find out that you aren’t progressing with your sales at all. As you look into the gaps in your campaign, you notice that your fallback lies in your lack of convincing power in writing. After all, it’s not just about what you’re saying, it’s also about how you’re saying it.

What is Copywriting?

Copywriting is an effective way to communicate the different facets of your brand to your target audience. It has to be precise and directed toward creating a meaningful experience for them.

A compelling copy should inform your target audience about your brand and your value, and get them to take action. Talented copywriters can accomplish all these goals in the most concise manner of writing.

Moreover, since more than 200 years ago, copywriting has been a powerful marketing strategy. The objective of copywriting has generally stayed the same over time, even though the profession has changed in appearance.

The objective? To close sales! But when done well, copywriting can help you to stand out from your industry competitors and take the lead.

What is the Role of a Copywriter?

A trained individual who creates compelling copy for ads, promotions, and client involvement is known as a copywriter. They are frequently referred to as "creatives" in the marketing industry.

A copywriter is someone who comprehends people, is aware of what your target audience is like, and selects language that will pique their interest. The compelling copy that copywriters produce – the title, words, phrases, sentences, and paragraphs - must convince and encourage readers to take a certain action.

Copywriting vs Content Marketing

Copywriting differs from content marketing in terms of purpose and goals. Copywriting devises content aimed at getting users to take action, while content marketing focuses on educating, amusing, or building brand awareness to make sales. The direct objective of a copywriter is to encourage a purchase or persuade someone to take action. Content marketing is less direct, and it seeks to inform its audience well with certain news, recent trends, and pieces of knowledge before they pitch the sales.

Types of Compelling Copy

Brand Copywriting

When creating a compelling copy for a brand, there has to be a substantial amount of knowledge about your audience, what they want, and the capacity to present the right information using the right voice.

SEO Copywriting

The goal of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Copywriting is getting a high rank on search engine result pages or getting people to gladly promote your content on their platforms. The key here is to incorporate strategic keywords on the copy which will place the listing on a good rank.

Social Media Copywriting

The goal of Social Media Copywriting is to create compelling copy for social media platforms through engaging posts and ads. The challenge here is to make every post unique to a certain platform as the audience differs on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, etc.

Insight Copywriting

This type of copy is meant to be highly educational. However, the challenge lies in simplifying the complex explanations to your audience while not compromising on the details of the solution.

Email Copywriting

Email copywriting is done to strike up a conversation with your audience. Hence, the email headline must be captivating and the copy must offer value. Moreover, there need to be compelling call-to-actions to get your audience to reply, subscribe, avail of a trial, or make a purchase. 

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How a Compelling Copy Can Help Your Business

Increases Traffic

When you search for something on Google, the results that you see on the first page are up there due to copywriting efforts. And, the fact that you were enticed to click one of them is the result of a compelling copy as well.


With that said, a compelling copy helps your website show up on the first page of search engine results and allow your potential customers to know exactly what you offer before they even click and get to know more about you.

Moreover, by incorporating strategic keywords within the content of your web pages or blog content, a compelling copy helps send a signal to search engines that your business contains the services that your audience are looking for.

A compelling copy could also help increase the organic traffic to your website.

Fosters Community

An online community for your business is essential as it helps you get to know your audience on a more intimate level. In turn, this helps you provide solutions for their needs.

Copywriting through email newsletters, content pillars, etc., can help you build a relationship with your audience and create an online community. By communicating and directly persuading your audience through your compelling copy, you create engagement and convince them to take your offer.

Speaks to your Customers

As a business owner, it’s important to understand your audience to the point that you can speak their language and familiarize yourself with their goals, problems, and situations.

This is because copywriting is meant to solve your audience’s problems. A compelling copy makes your audience feel like they could turn to your business for help. A compelling copy makes them feel that you have heard their problems and understand what they’re going through.

Strengthens Your Persuasion

Copywriting is done to drive your audience to action – whether it be to subscribe to your posts, avail of a trial, or make a purchase. In other words, a compelling copy guides your audience through the sales funnel until you’re able to lead them to close a sale.

Remember, a compelling copy equals revenue.

How to Create a Compelling Copy

Now that you are aware of how a compelling copy can help your business thrive, you might want to take it upon yourself to learn the craft.

Know Your Audience

The initial step in creating a compelling copy is to familiarize yourself with your audience. What are their problems? What is their age range? Is your target market composed of more females than males? What do they usually look for in a product or service?

As consumers willfully share their information, you must take that opportunity to dig into the data and plan your best tactic to cater to and target their specific needs. In creating a compelling copy, make it sound personal, make your audience feel heard and understood, and then provide them with the solution to their problems. With that said, in creating a compelling copy, focus on your audience and how you can help them rather than making it all about you and your business.

Use the Right Tone of Voice

In creating a compelling copy, you need to use the right tone of voice as it will reflect your brand. Whether you are fun, serious, or highly professional, your tone of voice will determine how your audience will view you.

Use Facts and Statistics

In copywriting, facts and statistics add credibility to your message. After all, numbers do not lie.

Solve the Pain Points

Think of copywriting as similar to mathematics wherein you state the problem and give the solution. With that said, a compelling copy drives your audience’s curiosity which will lead to getting to know more about you and finding out that you are the answer to their problem.

Use Social Proof

Your copywriting needs to be able to reflect that you are a trustworthy business. By taking advantage of social proof within your compelling copy, you can lead your audience to put faith in your business and motivate them towards action.

Use Questions

These questions are to be directed toward the audience. In copywriting, questions make the whole process collaborative and lead the readers to connect the dots. As their thoughts are being provoked, your audience become more hooked.

Create a Unique Value Proposition

In creating a compelling copy, you need to reflect on what makes your business different from your industry competitors. Emphasize your strengths and why your audience must choose you among the rest.

Create a Good Story

In copywriting, a good story goes a long way. This is because stories are easier to recall than numbers and facts. Remember that to create a compelling copy, you need to be able to simplify the complex details to your audience to make them better understand your business and what you’re offering. After all, there’s no use if you have a high-quality product or service that people don’t understand what’s it for.

Reiterate Key Information

To create a compelling copy, you must emphasize the most important ideas to your audience. However, don’t repeat them as if you’re an AI. Naturally repeat them, as if you’re talking to someone face to face.

Use Power Words

In creating a compelling copy, use specific words that elicit a psychological or emotional response. The words like “last chance” and “buy now pay zero” are examples of power words. This is because they trigger certain emotions and they can be perfectly used to elicit action.

Tools to Create a Compelling Copy

As you’re still learning how to create a compelling copy, you need all the help that you can get. We’ve put together a list of online tools that could help you create a compelling copy.


This is an Artificial Intelligence copy generator that possesses powerful predictive analytics to drive sales. How? It simply allows users to create and optimize compelling copy for a myriad of channels. It analyzes billions of data points to give insights into your copy. This way, you get to choose the right copy for the right audience with very little to no conjecture.


Remember that to create a compelling copy, your work must be free of spelling and grammatical mistakes. Grammarly is a writing tool that analyzes the text as you write; pointing out spelling and grammar errors. It also has a beneficial tool that tells you what your tone sounds like, so you can improve your message and make it sound more appealing and engaging to your audience.


This tool can refine your copy for you. While you are writing your ideas, Wordtune can make them better by recommending rewrites.


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Why Hire a Copywriter

With all the strategies that we mentioned here, anyone can be ready to make a compelling copy. Anyone with a special set of skills can be a copywriter. It only takes a high level of writing, good research skills, analytical skills, effective communication, and exceptional problem-solving skills.

However, there’s a huge difference between doing copywriting by yourself and hiring a copywriter to create compelling copy for your business.

That being said, here are the reasons why you should hire a copywriter.

You Get an Outsider’s Perspective

You’re not entirely wrong if you think that someone from within your company is better suited to write a compelling copy as it might be true in some cases. However, someone who already knows the business inside-out tends to make assumptions about what is and isn’t common knowledge to your audience.

With that said, hiring a copywriter is better as he can offer an outsider’s point of view. As an outsider himself, a professional copywriter can anticipate the questions that your audience will ask about your company and explain details in a way that an audience like him could easily understand.

They Know Your Competitors Well

As professional copywriters are outsiders, they know the importance of learning about your and your competitor’s business. Copywriters can recognize their strengths and weaknesses in ways that you can’t as a business owner and incorporate them into a compelling copy.

You Can Spend More Time with Your Customers

As a business owner, you have never-ending commitments and obligations. With that said, you can’t make time to create a compelling copy for your website and campaigns. And if you do, you’re dividing your attention between your customers and the task. Instead of doing that, hire a copywriter and return your focus to helping your customers.

They Create Clear, Concise, and Error-Free Content

In copywriting, there are many rules at play. Instead of taking time to learn the complicated details of creating a compelling copy, leave the job up to professional copywriters. That way, you can also avoid doing innocent mistakes. After all, a copywriter’s main focus is to write content that is clear, concise, and error-free, saving you from the costs of ranking lower in search engine results due to improper spelling and grammar.

They Have Experience

Compared to a beginner, copywriters have immense experience in the field of writing. So, they know what they are doing.

Copywriting is an integral part of digital marketing. Without convincing power from a compelling copy, there will be no generated leads, sales, or clicks to a website. Here at Main Social Media, we have highly-skilled and highly-dependable copywriters. With years of experience under the belt and the knowledge needed for their craft, our copywriters have what it takes to help your business grow.

Contact Main Social Media today and let us be the one to address your copywriting needs.

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